Sunday, January 1, 2023

Time for 2023

31Dec2022@5:36 - 6:55pm
My whole day turned on a dime to all kinds of things I did not plan. As a result, I had opportunity to get a picture just after the sun set for the last time in 2022. To get the picture, I went down a road I had never gone down, Rough Rider Rd. There was an empty gravel parking lot that I pulled into. I decided to sit, roll down the window, turn off the engine and lights, and ask God what He had to say. This is what I heard: Time to HEAL. There have been many disappointments, hurts, wrongs done to you, unmet expectations, fears, doubts, insecurities and life not being all you had hoped, up to this point. Now that you understand better about how I see others, you can let go easier, forgive easier, move forward easier, and not be angry with Me. I know you didn't want to be angry but I'm okay with whatever you bring to Me. The more you do this, the less baggage you'll be carrying. But I'm not changing that soft heart. You'll learn how to better handle the feelings. I'm okay with the tears. You've taken some big steps forward in the last couple of months. I've connected you to the people you need in your life for this season. This road is a road less traveled. Few of my followers have found it. I want that to change, but they're where they feel like they're suppose to be right now. You will find that you will live a life you thought was only a dead dream. I've put a DREAM in you that even you don't understand yet. Keep WRITING. You know you communicate better that way. I made you a deep thinker for a reason. I made you to question things for a reason. I made you to want to research things for a reason. This will also require LISTENING. Be prepared that some will not agree with what you write. Don't worry about that. What goes on between you and I is more important. And you're going to be speaking more, so get ready. Make CONNECTIONS. All kinds of connections but only the connections I direct you to make. I will show you what type of connection each one will be. Have PATIENCE because others have to deal with their own situations before certain connections are acceptable. I've put people in your path who have worked hard to have a better understanding of grace, mercy, and unconditional love. They have learned what My kingdom is and is not. I really want to blow your mind, knock your socks off, and fulfill your wildest dreams. I'm thrilled you took Me up on making that trip that Sunday morning back in Sept, (Sept 25th), to the church I have you at now. I'm thrilled that you dove in and keep diving in. Don't ignore that hunger inside of you to build on this relationship we have. (A hunger for God that I felt like I had lost for the last 10-15 years. Like there was nothing I could do to get back to that hungry relationship.) You're okay. I've got you! I'll never let you go. Rest and be amazed.

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